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« Biafine » : the Dédo show recording

March 2024

Broadcast : September 2024

Dédo records his last show at the Théâtre l’Européen and it’s mind-blowing!

Frenetic Arts is filming in partnership with Bonne Nouvelle Productions.

Scheduled to air at the end of 2024 on Comédie+, CSTAR and MyCanal.

About the show:


Far from the clichés about metal, Dédo continues the dialogue he started with his audience in his two previous shows. Without any taboos, he continues to deliver his most personal thoughts, with a sense of the absurd or of the image as effective as ever. Between his reflections – on the beekeeper’s job, his difficulties in staying in a relationship or his vision of current events – and the reactions they arouse in the public, Dédo demonstrates with intelligence and a lot of benevolence the power of dialogue and this need to be able to continue to laugh, about oneself, about everything, together.

Writing, directing: Dédo

Cinematography: Augustin Bayle, Sébastien Chambard, Rémi Argaud, Johann Garcia, Gilles Penso
Set design: Doriane Hugues-Laclef
Lighting: Martin Merveille
Music: Julien Cassarino
Editing: Gilles Penso
Sound: Clément Maurin
Makeup: Karine Palazzi

Producer: Alexandre Poncet – Frenetic Arts, Bonne Nouvelle Productions

Théâtre L’Européen

9 September 2024
Then on Canal+ via
The audience !

“Sensitivity + game intelligence =
nearly 2 hours and 30 minutes
of validated show.”

“Really funny, go for it, the guy is 🤘”

“From the 1st minute, Dédo’s personality blew us away!
And then, between a philosophical remark and a general depout,
we navigate through our thoughts
by getting picked up when
we don’t expect it!! »

“Whatever city you are in, go there!!
You’re going to have a great evening!! »

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« Prince of Darkness : the Dédo show »

Seen by [Dédo] a Fool